Land, Architectural & Engineering Surveyors for all Applications

Topographic-Land Survey

Producing excellent Topographic Survey is one of the principal services that we provide.

The range of requirements from our clients is extensive, from single unit developments, to several acres for development in rural, or city centre environments.



Measured Building Survey

Accurate Measured Survey For All Applications

Survey and Engineering Services Limited has established an excellent reputation for highly accurate, wellpresented measured building survey drawings.

Engineering Survey

Barry Darling (Managing Director) and Colin Harding (Principle Land Surveyor) have each individually had over 35 years’ experience in providing accurate precision surveys.

For example :

  • Post demolition survey of retained facades.
  • Accurate survey of existing steel fabrication for cladding.
  • Building surveys with a suitable construction grid for subsequent construction.
  • Volume calculations
  • Area calculations
  • Land parcel surveys
  • Precision positioning
  • Setting-out
  • Control
  • As-built record surveys
  • Site engineering surveys

Boundary Matters and Solutions

Accurate Measured Survey For All Applications

From a free consultation, to expert witness testimony (should the need arise)
you will find Survey and Engineering Services Ltd. to be of great help when dealing with a boundary dispute.

We understand that boundary disputes can be stressful and frustrating and are pleased to provide the necessary drawings and data required by statutory authorities and to make matters clear.

We are highly experienced in providing clear reports for solicitors or the court as well as providing expert witness testimony.

Floodplain Definition and Land Parcelling

Accurate Measured Survey For All Applications

Increasingly, the planning authorities dealing with various construction projects require detailed drawings for floodplain analysis. We are very pleased to provide drawings and data to satisfy these requirements, such as providing the precise development area by accurate contouring and setting out.

Survey and Engineering Services Ltd. are registered with the Land Registry to submit applications for title deed alterations and new submissions, providing drawings, necessary evidence and completing applications for amendments to the register.

Laser Scanning

Utilising a 3D laser scanner we are able to provide our clients with a large volume of 3D data.

This can be provided as a point cloud or used within SES limited to provide DWG and PDF drawings.

The 3D laser scanner accurately picks up large amounts of survey data to a higher level of detail and at a much faster speed when compared to surveying with the traditional total station, this allows us to keep our prices competitive.

Barry Darling

Managing Director

Barry has worked in the survey industry for 44 years, and for the last 35 years, he has owned and managed Land Survey companies.

He is highly experienced with the design of infrastructure up to DPC, site engineering and setting out.

This has included a broad range of applications from single residential development units to The Channel Tunnel, Canary Wharf and similar projects.

Reuben Coates

Principal surveyor

Bruce Darling

Marketing Manager

Colin Harding

Topographic survey

Sarah Coates

measured building survey

Survey & Engineering services LTD. specialses in Land, Architectural & Engineering Surveyors Accurate and Measured Survey For All Applications.

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07715 488780



1 Lee Farm Cottages - Lee Lane - Maidenhead

Berkshire - SL6 6PE

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Registered Office : The Granary, Lee Farm, Lee Lane, Pinkneys Green, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 6PE. Telephone : 01628 784150

Registered Company No : 5366478 | VAT Registration No : 854 5203 32

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